SolidCAM's EZ•Sell Program: Spread the Word

Make Money with the Best Integrated SolidCAM+iMachining CAM Solution:

  • No special CAM knowledge required     
  • Start making money immediately - $50 Amazon Gift Card for submitting a lead that sees a demo!
  • Provide the best integrated CAM solution available
  • Support provided by the best team in CAM

EZ•Sell Program Success Story - Guy Nelson | Anvil Design

EZ•Sell Program Success Story - Guy Nelson | Anvil Design

STEP 1:  Send us your contacts that have interest in integrated CAM, and we‘ll do the rest.

STEP 2:  We'll take care of all demos, implementation, training and support.

STEP 3:  After your contact has seen a demonstration, you'll immediately receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

Question:  What amount of revenue can the EZ-Seller get from a referral sale?

Answer:  The amount of compensation depends on the Gross dollar amount of the SolidCAM modules sold:

  • For all systems sold, the EZ-Seller gets 20% of the Gross Sale.
  • Bonus $$$ for sales in excess of $50,000 Gross (Same Calendar Year)
  • Even more $$$ for sales in excess of $100,000 Gross (Same Calendar Year)

Question:  So, how much can I make?

Answer:  The average EZ-Sell bonus is $1,420, but can range anywhere from $200 - $10,000. There is no limit or cap on payments, and remember, there are bonuses for higher sales levels.

Question:How is support handled?

Answer: Customers simply call SolidCAM‘s toll-free direct support line and one of our Machinists (with an average of 10-15 years of CAM experience) will provide world-class support for all CAM issues.

Question:  What about Upgrades, Training and Subscriptions?

Answer:  Managed by SolidCAM corporate.

Question:What if the company has already been submitted by someone else?

Answer: If the company you register has already been submitted (same facility location, or division), we will send you proof of the prior registration within 24 hours.

Question:How do we register leads?

Answer: Simply click on the button above and submit your lead info to get started.