Gold Technology Succeeds with SolidCAM & iMachining

In July of 2012, SolidCAM performed a SolidCAM iMachining benchmark test cut at Gold Technologies Ltd - they had 1 seat of SolidCAM and 1 seat of Cimatron at the time.

|  iMachining

Gold Technologies wanted to reduce the time it took to cut a Titanium piece they were working on, from 90 minutes with standard cutting. SolidCAM's iMachining reduced the cutting time to 42 minutes per part, saving Gold Technologies 54% in cycle time - they quickly bought a seat of SolidCAM iMachining to begin taking advantage of these immense time savings.

Since that amazing benchmark, Gold Technologies have expanded to having around 40 CNC machines, and recently purchased their 9th seat of SolidCAM. During the years, Gold Technologies added advanced SolidCAM modules up to 5 axes, renewed subscriptions for all seats, and added new post processors for their advanced machines.

Gold Technologies purchased iMachining for every seat of SolidCAM in their shop, and they use it on a daily basis, with great success. A fantastic revolutionary module like iMachining made the difference between SolidCAM and its competitors like Cimatron. At the time of the original benchmark, Gold Technologies had two CAM systems - a seat of Cimatron, and a seat of SolidCAM. Today, their seat of Cimatron sits unused.

SolidCAM succeeded in providing an excellent CAM system with SolidCAM and iMachining, powerful support, and a close working relationship to become the CAM system that Gold Technologies will utilize from now and into the future.

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