úspěšné příběhy iMachining

Cutting steel part with iMachining in INCOMAC company - saving 75% in cycle time on a part that has a 200 per-month run!!

..they were shocked and had no words, calculating how much iMachining would save on the 200 part run they must machine every month!

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iMachining benchmark at SolidCAM customer Meir Mechanics - saving 74% in Aluminum!

...the director did not expect that you can save so much in aluminum, especially when working on the indexial 4-axis machine.

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iMachining success - cycle time reduction by 70% against Competitor CAM in Aluminum

..prospect working with Competitor CAM and wanted to change for a CAM solution integrated in SolidWorks... impressed to see how easy it was to machine his part with iMachining in such a short time and…

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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Collaboration between SolidCAM France and Hoffman France in iMachining

..technical seminar organized by Hoffman France in their showroom...will show live cutting of iMachining on Hoffmann's Mazak machine

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iMachining article in MCADCafe

Jeff Rowe: "...iMachining controlling a Hurco VMX42 HSi ..significant improvement in cycle time efficiency/time savings (in this case, more than 70%), as well as reduced tool wear"

 iMachining v tisku
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iMachining saves 75% in stainless steel at SolidCAM customer Shifram

...so iMachining will bring this customer back to subscription and will provide him with its immense power and savings...

 Letectví a kosmonautika
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Isicom shows live iMachining cutting at Hasco Open Days on April 16 & 17

...this is the second year Hasco invited Isicom to participate in their two days conference

 partneři iMachining
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Joint seminar of Oltrogger and Hoffmann Group on HPC/MTC Tools and iMachining on April 18 in Bielefeld

..Modern high-tech tools require modern and innovative programming and machining strategies..applied in SolidCAM with iMachining.

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Markus Schmid, SCNC Technik, Villingen Schwenningen: "iMachining paid for itself within 2 months"

..I really should not even recommend iMachining because then my competitors also get it...but iMachining is just great"

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SolidCAM customer A.P.A orders 2 modules of iMachining 2D and 3D, mainly for aluminum machining

..owner said: "amazing... I have no words to describe my satisfaction from iMachining - I couldn't have imagined how much time it saved us in Aluminum"

 Citace zákazníků o společnosti iMachining
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iMachining at SolidCAM's customer ZARKON - saving 86% in Steel!

...cutting deep in steel...after cutting the three parts, the tool remained in perfect condition!

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Jeff S.: "iMachining is incredible at removing large amount of material in hard to reach areas such as the magwell and fire control pockets."

...thanks to the InventorCAM team, in 3 months time I have learned to run a Haas VF3SS and a rudimentary CAM program without any CNC background

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iMachining amazes customer with its outstanding capability in cutting steel, on an old CNC machine!

..customer extremely impressed - could not believe that these feeds and speeds are possible for such a machine!

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Kevin Kluver, Alexandria Industries: "It has also saved me at ton of machine time in the tooling area using the iMachining feature"

...SolidCAM is easier to use with the programming and just being able to set work coordinates faster and much easier

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Terence Sammon, Mico Industries, Grand Rapids, MI:"The SolidCAM software is very powerful."

..I had some of the 'conventionally' trained die makers watch a block I programmed with iMachining and their jaws hit the floor when they saw how fast material could be removed on D2 tool steel!

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iMachining win against Competitor - 10 min vs 33 min..

..He said to me : "iMachining is unbelievable - it really works very well. This is the first time I see something like that"

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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Finding Optimal Feeds and Speeds: "Other CAM programs are light years behind iMachining."

..I have yet to see a CAM program that has very good speeds and feeds built in with the possible exception of SolidCAM’s iMachining

 iMachining vs. konkurenti
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Hoffmann Group Technology day with iMachining on April 17 in Frankfurt / Oder

.. first-hand experience of high-performance tools in action..and iMachining practical demonstration

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iMachining 3D win at Menes – 85% saving

....Chief programmer Igor said: "I hope we get such results every day – we will have great savings in costs with iMachining 3D!!"

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iMachining vs. Competitor in Aluminum cutting - totally superior, completely another level!

..cutting this part in 20 min with your CAM system and I’m cutting it with iMachining in 6 min.

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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