úspěšné příběhy iMachining

iMachining at Müga machine tool, with Hoffmann tools

...using iMachining at Müga with Hoffmann tools, we have achieved incredible results

 partneři iMachining
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iMachining Test Cut in Titanium At Avco - more than 50% saving

..They have to do many batches of 12 such Boeing 787 titanium parts in the coming months

 Obchod s pracovními příležitostmi
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iMachining for Education customer

..customer extensively evaluated other CAM systems for SolidWorks and thought SolidCAM was the best overall

 iMachining v technickém vzdělávání
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iMachining success story in a college - " We have never seen something like that!"

iMachining on a Spinner U620 with Heidenhain controller..

 iMachining v technickém vzdělávání
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ISCAR Tests SolidCAM iMachining at its Turkish Headquarters

...Highly successful test cuts were carried out at ISCAR Turkey’s main offices in Gebze, running SolidCAM’s new iMachining technology with ISCAR tooling.

 Výrobci a prodejci řezných nástrojů
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SolidCAM iMachining trial in Titanuim at GKN Aerospace,together with ISCAR UK

..looking at ways of improving their machining times, improve tool life and improve surface finish..generated iMachining toolpaths cutting Titanium - they were so impressed by the results

 Letectví a kosmonautika
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