SolidCAM for Education

SolidCAM makes fully integrated CNC/CAM software that runs directly inside SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor, and SolidCAM DONATES their CAM software to qualifying schools in the United States and Canada and can donate up to 100 seats of our software to your school if needed.

Imagine teaching your students Computer-Aided-Manufacturing directly inside the same design program they just learned. No new user interface to learn, no file import/export issues, and the CAM tool paths even update when the design model changes - YOU NEVER HAVE TO LEAVE YOUR CAD WINDOW!

Now Imagine Doing That With Donated Software!

There Is Absolutely No Catch. Our customer base is growing so fast that they’re having a hard time finding employees who know how to use the SolidCAM software. By donating the software to schools, students will be able to learn how to use the software, which in return will help our customers.

Watch an interview from MCADCafe with Ken Merritt, SolidCAM Partner Manager, during Westech 2019 to find out why SolidCAM is different from other CAM companies.

We invite you to download the SolidCAM / InventorCAM software.
Try it out and see what you think:

SolidCAM has a large user base with more than 20,000 seats installed worldwide in many industries, including Job Shops, Engineering and Manufacturing companies, and large Aerospace and Automotive companies.

See what our Customers are saying about us!

Included with SolidCAM's Donation:


SolidCAM will donate up to 100 seats of SolidCAM software to your school if needed, and you can add seats to your license at any time.


Enables users in a network environment to borrow a license from the network server and download the software onto a personal computer or laptop. This link will Post Code. Due to Coronavirus causing widespread school closures for an unknown duration, many institutions are now offering online classes. By using the Borrowing a License link, professors can teach SolidCAM online. The Borrowing a License link is something SolidCAM has always provided to our professors and is included with the SolidCAM donation. 


SolidCAM certifications can be used as a benchmark to measure your knowledge and competency with the SolidCAM software. There are currently two certifications available.


This presentation can be held in the classroom by one of our SolidCAM Engineers. The presentation will be held using GotoMeeting, which allows the instructor and students to ask questions during the demonstration. It will also give you a better idea of what SolidCAM has to offer, and the best part is that this presentation is included with your SolidCAM donation.


This comprehensive Training Course has everything you need to teach SolidCAM efficiently and successfully to your students. This course is only available for SOLIDWORKS. Please visit the link below to download the curriculum.


SolidCAM provides immense value with our revolutionary and amazing iMachining technology. iMachining saves 70% and more in CNC machining time and extends cutting tool life dramatically. The patented iMachining Technology Wizard provides automatic, optimal feeds and speeds by taking into account the toolpath, stock and tool material, and machine specifications. iMachining will make you and your CNC machines more profitable and more competitive than ever before. The revolutionary iMachining is completely unique both in its toolpath and its method of programming utilizing the patented Technology Wizard.


Specifically for your CNC machine. When you receive a new SolidCAM system, we’ll provide you with the exact posts for your machines, AT NO CHARGE. This includes the Post Proces­sor and customizations for your specific needs because one size does not always fit all.

  • Extensive Post-Processor Database
  • Generating G-Code - Quick. Easy. Reliable.
  • Ready-to-go CNC-Output

Simultaneous 5-AXIS MACHINING

Benefit from the most tested and proven 5-axis CNC milling tool paths in the industry, with a very straightforward user interface and the most advanced control over of tool path and collision checking.

Choose from the most complete library of Simultaneous 5-Axis cutting strategies that get you up and cutting instantly.


One Hour Training Session: This training session is included with your SolidCAM donation. The session will be presented on GotoMeeting, allowing participants to ask questions and interact with the trainer.

KevCAM Online Night-School: A weekly class for anyone doing CNC machining that needs to sharpen their CAM skills but doesn’t want to burn their Support/Training hours. The online classes are presented by Kevin Rankl, SolidCAM Senior Application Engineer with 13 years of CAM experience and extensive SOLIDWORKS knowledge. The classes have dynamic course content that is chosen according to the attendee’s needs. This class is offered weekly on Tuesday evenings from 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (Eastern).

Plus - Hundreds of SolidCAM Youtube Videos Are Available!


SolidCAM is dedicated to having the Best Support Team In The Business and will help get you up to speed with our products, guaranteeing you the best user experience possible.

  • SolidCAM has assisted 1,000’s of Customers with getting up to speed in CAM & iMachining.
  • Every SolidCAM Support & Training Team member has a minimum of 10 years of CNC Machining and Programming experience.
  • SolidCAM has fully-equipped Technology Centers complete with CNC Machines for hands-on CAM & CNC learning.
Subscription RENEWALS

The SolidCAM License is renewed every year along with the Subscription. When the school is on Subscription, it means the school has access to our 5-Star Support Team for assistance with any technical needs, and the school is eligible for all software updates.

Please visit our SolidCAM Website Site for information on all of the above items.

EDU Questionnaire

If you are interested in a SolidCAM Donation, please download, fill out and return the EDU Questionnaire to get started. The answers to these questions will give us a better idea of your software needs.

If you have any questions regarding a SolidCAM donation for your school, please do not hesitate to call: 866-975-1115 x21.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day.

Victoria Bremkamp
Education Account Manager