HSS High-Speed Surfacing

High Speed Surface Machining of Localized Surfaces

HSS - High-Speed Surface Machining

SolidCAM HSS is a high speed surface machining module for smooth and powerful machining of localized surface areas in the part, including undercuts. SolidCAM HSS provides easy selection of the surfaces to be machined with no need to define the boundaries, and supports both standard and shaped tools.

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The SolidCAM HSS Module provides numerous surface machining strategies, that produce an efficient, smooth, gouge-free and optimal toolpath to finish the selected surfaces.

HSS provides special toolpath linking options, generating smooth and tangential lead-ins and lead-outs. The linking moves between the toolpaths can be controlled by the user to avoid holes and slots, without the need to modify the model’s surface. Retracts can be performed to any major plane.

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HSS is the CAM module that takes your 2.5D machining way beyond profiles, pockets and faces, providing a 3D machining capability by driving along specific surfaces on prismatic and 3D parts.

The HSS toolpath is focused on single or multiple surfaces and excels in creating a flowing toolpath on a group of surfaces that make up a complex 3D shape, e.g. fillets.

Experience total tool control to machine only areas you choose, without the need for constraint boundaries or construction geometry.

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The advantages of the SolidCAM HSS module translate to significantly increased surface quality. The HSS module is an important and valuable add-on for every machine shop for the machining of all types of parts.

Advanced Gouge Control for Holder, Arbor and Tool

Complete Gouge Control is available for Holder, Arbor and Tool. Adjoining Check Surfaces that are to be avoided can be selected. Several retract strategies are available, under full user control.


Advanced Linking

Total freedom to control tool entry and tool exit motion, no surface modifications needed. Toolpaths can be extended or trimmed, gaps and holes can be jumped and you can choose from multiple lead-in/lead-out options.

Handling Undercut in HSS

Use Tapered, Lollipop, or T-Slot tools for undercuts or difficult to cut geometry.

SolidCAM HSS Provides Powerful Surface Machining Strategies for Smooth, Gouge-Free & Optimal Toolpaths!
