SolidCAM Subscription

Your Software Update and Support Lifeline

Successful SolidCAM customers renew their subscription yearly to maximize their software investment and increase their productivity.

Profit from these Great Subscription Advantages:

Latest Version Functionality
Benefit from the addition of new features and functionality, based on advances in CNC machining and feedback from our user community.
Add New Modules (e.g. Revolutionary iMachining)
Ability to buy powerful new modules, e.g. SolidCAM iMachining.
Powerful Technical Support
Get access to our Online Live Support and our International Technical Help desks.
Detailed Training Documentation & Recordings
Get access to all of our detailed Training Documentation, Professor and Webinar recordings.

Thomas F. Dickman talks about SolidCAM Software Subscription

Thomas F. Dickman talks about SolidCAM Software Subscription

"I love getting Service Packs from SolidCAM, I love the fact that they will tweak minor details, make slight improvements in the software, and can add an incremental capability or an incremental increase in ease of use.

So just the fact that the company would output 4 Service Packs during the year, that you can download for free on subscription, they install very easily and very quickly and then nothing changes on the surface of the program but the usability gets better..."

— Curtis Babre, Ferra Designs
