SolidCAM France replaced 2 Competitor CAM seats thanks to Partner/iMachining/Multiblade module

...thanks to iMachining, I got the full attention of the manager and they started to envisage to change their CAM System.

|  Aerospace

From: Hervé Philibien [<link>]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 4:01 AM
To: Emil Somekh; Eddie Pevzner
Subject: SolidCAM France replaced 2 Competitor CAM seats thanks to Partner/iMachining/Multiblade module 

Hello Emil/Eddie,

I want to share a story with you where SolidCAM France replaced 2 Competitor CAM seats at the end of December.

During an event organized by <link http: int _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>Hoffmann Group, in which we participated, we met a company that uses a Competitor CAM.

They were going to update to a new version of that Competitor CAM and had a project to start to manufacture some impellers.

We said to them that we have a dedicated module for machining a Multiblade part and they asked us for a demonstration. 

At this time, the company didn't have real intention to change their CAD/CAM system, they were even against this idea - they asked us for a demo "just to see".

When I came to the customer for the multiblade demonstration, I first started by talking aboutiMachining.

They said they already know a similar technology in the Competitor CAM and I explained to them that it's not the same and that I will show them on their machine.

I asked them the cutting time of the part that was running on the machine in stainless 304L.

They gave me a CAD part, I did the SolidCAM iMachining Part, generated the Gcode and we reduced cycle time by 30% at the first time.

They were very impressed by the fact that we go directly on their machine - all the Competitor CAM New version demonstrations that they saw before, were given only on the computer screen.

Then, and thanks toiMachining, I got the manager's full attention and they started to envisage to change their CAM System.

Then demonstrated the multiblade module. As Amod said at SolidCAM World 2015 conference,

the multiblade module is easy to use and with 5 Sim 5x operations and a few settings, the impeller was completely programmed.

A week later I met them again to machine the impeller on the machine, and one week later we got the order.

As you see, this story confirms what have been said during the different presentations at SolidCAM World 2015 conference:

  • Good Cooperation with Partners is important and generates leads
  • Every demonstration must start by talking about iMachining, even if it's not the subject for which you have been invited! It's our major advantage and our unique differentiator.
  • Multiblade module works very easily and provides very good results


Moreover it shows that theSolidCAM Reseller has the opportunity to convert Competitor CAM users into SolidCAM customers.

Keep in mind:

With iMachining and complete CAD/CAM solution, this is our strength to convert Competitor CAM.

Best Regards

Hervé PHILIBIEN | +33 (0)6 01 78 47 90| Ingénieur d'application | SolidCAM France

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