SolidCAM iMachining win at M/s SHAKAMBARI INDUSTRIES

Shakambari Industries is a small Aerospace components manufacturing company.

|  iMachining successes at Customers


Trials Conducted by SolidCAM on 02nd  FEB 2018

Material: Titanium
Total number of Settings: 2
Total number of Operations: 5

Max RPMMax XY FeedSpindle PowerControllerMaterial UTS
30006 m / min5.5 kwSinumerik 802D1000 mpa

Highlights of the cutting trial:

  1. Maximum depth of cut achieved on the machine in a single pass: 24 MM.
  2. Used Tools Diam 12mm, 8mm, & 4mm
  3. Observed Increased Tool life up to 3 times compared to regular machining
  4. Average spindle load recorded during full depth cutting: 15 %



Earlier Cycle Time was: 42 min        

iMachining Cycle time: 14 min 16 sec

Cycle time Saving67.33%

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