Historias de éxito de iMachining

iMachining smokes fire out of Competitor CAM software

... manager accepted that it was a mistake in believing his programmer that the Competitor CAM had a similar option and accepted that iMachining is unique.

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining success story at SolidCAM customer - reduce time from 90 min to 8 min only!

..difficult material 1.4828 (X15CrNiSi20-12).. used in devices to inspect exhaust systems ..heat resistant up to 1000 deg..nearly no wear in tool!

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iMachining halves cycle times and makes cutters last 5 times longer for mill-turn

..Jay Dixon realized that the SolidCAM iMachining module could make a big difference to the ease of machining on his Mazak Quick Turn Nexus

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4 AXIS iMACHINING on 4140HT Steel

..the weapon - iMachining Level 8 Turbo!

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining trial on Forged Steel- 80% savings in machining time

...New Prospect facing a challenge to meet production target due to longer machining time

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining at Hermle HQ at Gosheim, Germany

....They were really amazed about the smooth tool path and the cutting speed.

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining with InventorCAM 2012 on HAAS and Spinner - 75% SAVING...

..Material 16MnCr5 and 1.0577 ..Machine Spinner U-620 with Heidenhain Controller and a HAAS VFSS.

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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Cooperation with HAAS dealer Arotec

..was by a customer from us and the HAAS dealer Arotec to show iMachining..75% saving with iMachining

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining at Adin - replacing competitor CAM after 52% saving in steel

..material is steel 4140, and they need to supply 600 pieces...plant manager decided to purchase SolidCAM+iMachining

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iMachining Success story - incredible 82% saving!

..on DMC 635..material 1.2311 (40CrMnMo7)

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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Rob Montgomery, Mechanical Products Inc, Lombard IL, USA, "time saved is incredible"

..first part cutting steel took about 5 min using iMachining, compared to the 2-3 hrs we were spending before to make the same part

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iMachining 3D great results at Roop Polymers - 72% saving in Roughing vs CAM competitor!!!

....Rubber mold (automotive component)...steel EN31

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iMachining vs Competitor CAM - 84% saving by iMachining!

..iMachining time 17 min vs Competitor CAM time of 1 hr 45 min..

 Matrices y moldes
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iMachining at ISCAR GmbH in 63HRC - transmission element in a train - high production volume

..task to achieve much longer tool life...iMachining results: 2 min cutting time (50% saving)..12 slots milled per tool - tool like new!

 Fabricantes y distribuidores de herramientas de corte
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Udo Trimborn, Trimborn Maschinenbau: "We are really convinced about iMachining"

..milled the same part with a higher iMachining level, and we reduced the machining time to 4 1/2 mins , as opposed to 17 mins

 Tienda de empleo
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Galander Medical GmbH on iMachining: "The cost savings are very big"

..a part from customer that took him 7 hours and 30 minutes to manufacture, we did it in iMachining in 2 hours and 50 minutes..iMachining software pays for itself very quickly

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ProKASRO Mechatronics GmbH in Karlsruhe on iMachining: "we're thrilled - it's just incredible"

...the cycle times have been reduced by 70% to 80% - sometimes even reduced by 90%

 Tienda de empleo
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iMachining 3D - 83% Savings in Roughing against Competitor CAM

... Makino S33 Vertical Milling Machine, Die Steel,Tool : Dia 10 Flat End Mill, Part Size : 150 X 140 X 43 (Cutting Depth 17mm) ...32 min cutting time by iMachining 3D instead of 180 min!

 Matrices y moldes
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World Record in time saving with iMachining - 96% saving against Competitor CAMl!!!

..cut previously by a sub-contractor of a big company in the optical industry in 16 hrs using Competitor CAM..cut with iMachining in 45 min only!

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iMachining 3D cuts very fast at Galtronics! Saves 75% against Competitor CAM!

SolidCAM China reports 75% time savings with 3D iMachining against Competitor CAM on Makino CNC machine

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