Historias de éxito de iMachining

SolidCAM iMachining trial in Titanuim at GKN Aerospace,together with ISCAR UK

..looking at ways of improving their machining times, improve tool life and improve surface finish..generated iMachining toolpaths cutting Titanium - they were so impressed by the results

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ISCAR Tests SolidCAM iMachining at its Turkish Headquarters

...Highly successful test cuts were carried out at ISCAR Turkey’s main offices in Gebze, running SolidCAM’s new iMachining technology with ISCAR tooling.

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iMachining at Müga machine tool, with Hoffmann tools

...using iMachining at Müga with Hoffmann tools, we have achieved incredible results

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iMachining at Hermle HQ at Gosheim, Germany

....They were really amazed about the smooth tool path and the cutting speed.

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining with InventorCAM 2012 on HAAS and Spinner - 75% SAVING...

..Material 16MnCr5 and 1.0577 ..Machine Spinner U-620 with Heidenhain Controller and a HAAS VFSS.

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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Cooperation with HAAS dealer Arotec

..was by a customer from us and the HAAS dealer Arotec to show iMachining..75% saving with iMachining

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining Iscar UK Event

..we cut steel, aluminium and titanium to show the power of iMachining. Everybody was very impressed

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iMachining at Hermle 2012 in-house exhibition, Gosheim, April 18-21

..We had one machine with a big iMachining Part, another machine with mill turn and another also with an iMachining part on it.

 éxitos de iMachining en los clientes
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iMachining Trials at SANDVIK INDIA

..Time reduction with iMachining was almost 50%.

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iMachining with OKK at MEX Kanazawa2012 exhibition

...SolidCAM reseller in Japan, Tactx, has joined with OKK to show the iMachining strategy on OKK machine in this exhibition

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iMachining at Die&Mold Event at Iscar, Sao Paolo

...success was great for both - after the event we showed both that the Iscar tools had low wear and the excellent results of the of mold machining.

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iMachining at ISCAR GmbH in 63HRC - transmission element in a train - high production volume

..task to achieve much longer tool life...iMachining results: 2 min cutting time (50% saving)..12 slots milled per tool - tool like new!

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iMachining event at ISCAR Germany - about 100 attendees, with 68 of them being ISCAR customers

...iMachining as usual fascinated the attendees and has exceeded all expectations!

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iMachining Live Seminar with Mazak, Hurco & Lokesh Machine Tool Reseller - India

...SAM Automation is the largest CNC Machines Reseller in that region and commands a market share of almost 60%. They sell Mazak , HURCO & Lokesh (Indian Machine) in that region

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Inconel Meets Match in General-Purpose End Mill and iMachining - result was a 500 percent increase in tool life and an 86 percent reduction in cycle time.

...these improvements were similar to what the company had seen on other applications since implementing iMachining..

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SolidCAM partners with Hurco Machine tools at IMTS 2012 to show iMachining 3D..

...live iMachining cutting on a Hurco VMX24HSi CNC machine was the optimum way to show iMachining power to potential customers.

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Leveraging iMachining benefits for WIN-WIN relationbship with Hurco dealers in the US..

...we now have relationships with 4 more Hurco dealers that we intend to franchise the EZ-Sell business model with.

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Cooperation with Okuma Australia: live iMachining demonstration to potential customer

..Okuma sold an MB-56VA after the customer saw the iMachining demonstration, and we have a new prospect!

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Live iMachining workshop at Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Crafts), Ulm, Germany

..in cooperation with Tool maker Jongen Wekzeugtechnik

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Joint iMachining Live Cutting Technology days of HAAS Reseller - Dreher - and SolidCAM GmbH

...Experience iMachining at high speed CNC Milling machine Haas VF-2SS.

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