Historias de éxito de iMachining

Rotary Airlock in US uses iMachining to reduce Inconel cutting time from 60 min to 3 min!

..they went from 60 Minutes down to 3 minutes on their first test...at least twice the tool life

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Burns Machinery Inc, NV, USA - "iMachining is incredibly impressive"

...We have been running an aluminum pocketing job for 15 years. The run time has been 22 minutes. The job now runs in iMachining in 9 minutes...As impressive as the improved run times are the tool…

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Udo Trimborn, Trimborn Maschinenbau: "We are really convinced about iMachining"

..milled the same part with a higher iMachining level, and we reduced the machining time to 4 1/2 mins , as opposed to 17 mins

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ProKASRO Mechatronics GmbH in Karlsruhe on iMachining: "we're thrilled - it's just incredible"

...the cycle times have been reduced by 70% to 80% - sometimes even reduced by 90%

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Dreiling Maschinenbau GmbH: "With iMachining, even on low-performance machines, we can reach very high metal removal rates"

...Well at first we were skeptical about all of the promised time savings of 70 to 80 percent, but it's really true

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iMachining Aluminum at ITS - 77% savings!!!

..standard operation = 40 min - iMachining rough cut 8 minutes and iMachining finish cut 1 minute - total 9 min with iMachining

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iMachining unbelievable power brings SolidCAM customer back to subscription

..production manager so impressed with the iMachining cutting, he asked for a quote for 2 iMachining modules and renewing subscription for all their 5 SolidCAM seats..

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iMachining amazes customer with its outstanding capability in cutting steel, on an old CNC machine!

..customer extremely impressed - could not believe that these feeds and speeds are possible for such a machine!

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Cutting part with iMachining 3D saves cycle time and extends tool life dramatically!

....33% saving in cycle time.. ISCAR Tool cut 12 Parts with iMachining 3D toolpath, instead of only 1 Part with Competitor CAM!

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Amazing iMachining Win- Saving 78% cycle time in Aluminum!

During my visit I saw a very big potential for the customer to save time in their parts with iMachining 2D

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iMachining 2D & 3D impressive results cutting steel and titanium

“It is incredibly impressive seeing iMachining cutting stainless steel 1.4301 - we would have never thought such results were possible”.

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iMachining 2D customer is impressed with iMachining 3D results

The results with iMachining 3D were of course much better than whatever they imagined.

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Greg Burns, Burns Machinery Inc. on SolidCAM & iMachining

SolidCAM & iMachining had the quickest return on Investment on anything of significance that I put money into in the last 10 years! What we saved in first month on tool life, paid for the software!

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