SolidCAM - CAM Software Solutions

SolidCAM CAM software is seamlessly integrated in SOLIDWORKS, Solid Edge and Inventor, with a short learning curve and powerful functionality.

SolidCAM modules include iMachining, 2.5D Milling, HSS, HSM & HSR, Sim5X, Multi-Channel Mill-Turn, Swiss Machining, Turning, Indexial 4/5 Milling and Solid Probe. Plus, SolidCAM Additive for cost effective 3D Metal Printing and efficient CNC Machining.

SolidCAM is the one-stop solution for all your CAM needs!

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NOVO: Versão do SolidCAM Maker

A nova versão do SolidCAM Maker permite aos fabricantes, aficionados e estudantes obter o CAM-Power completo do SolidCAM, integrado em SOLIDWORKS ou Autodesk Inventor, para fabricar os seus projetos pessoais. Vem com todos os nossos módulos CAM, incluindo o iMachining. Registe e descarregue a versão totalmente funcional do SolidCAM Maker, gratuita para uso privado e educacional.
