CimWorks presents iMachining for the Spanish market at the IMH event

On April 25th, 2012 SolidCAM’s reseller, CimWorks, conducted a seminar on SolidCAM’s new technology iMachining, in collaboration with the IMH (Machine-Tool Institute), the National Referential Centre of Mechanical Manufacturing in Spain.

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The event was attended by more than 50 people from various backgrounds - academics, researchers, industry professionals of the precision and manufacturing Industries, and machine manufacturers.

The audience was introduced to iMachining technology, the latest breakthrough in SolidCAM's CAM technology.  iMachining reduces cutting times up to 70% by optimizing tool engagement and cutting feed through the entire machining process. iMachining enables much deeper and more efficient cutting, driven by a “knowledge-based technology wizard”.

The presentation was followed by a live demonstration of iMachining on several parts. Those parts where machined live on one of the IMH's machines, a Kondia Seaska. The results left the audience astonished.  One participant noticed “how the part was cold after it was machined at such high speeds” this is because of the intelligent toolpath and optimum cutting conditions of iMachinning, over 90% is removed from the cutting zone by the flying chips which leaves the part cold to the touch. It is a great advantage since the part being machined does not suffer from thermal stresses and the accuracy is better conserved.

iMachining Live Cutting at the IMH’s workshop
Tools used, parts machines and chips obtained during the live demonstration.
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