Cycle times down 50% and tool life up 40% at Mico Industries, thanks to SolidCAM iMachining

..."With iMachining, it's like having a master machinist with a super-fast CNC mill, using super-wear tools always at my disposal"...

|  Automotive

Terry Sammon, CEO of <link http:>Mico Industries, located in Grand Rapids Michigan is on a laser-focused mission to drive his company to create dies, weld fixtures and check fixtures without compromise, providing the highest possible level of products and service to his customers.  

Mico Industries, established in 1983, is an engineering, stamping, assembly and welding company and its customer base includes the big three U.S. automotive manufacturers as well as the largest US based motorcycle manufacturer.  These are Tier 1 customers who will not accept anything but the highest quality at an extremely competitive price.

After purchasing several used CNC mills and a low-end CAM program, Terry realized that there were more powerful software tools available.  He initiated a test program for nearly every CAM system on the market and, when he discovered the <link en cam-solutions solidworks-integration>integration between SolidWorks and SolidCAM and saw SolidCAM's iMachining in action cutting steel as though it was aluminum, decided to purchase the complete system. 

Terry Sammon remembers the event which prompted him to buy SolidCAM and SolidWorks, “A project we programed with our old CAM system involved a block of tool steel which took 14 hours to machine. We did the same 2D project using SolidCAM and <link en imachining imachining-overview>SolidCAM's intelligent tool path generator, iMachining, and it took under 2 hours to cut, an incredible result.” 

Terry Sammon decided to learn SolidWorks and SolidCAM at the same time.  "SolidCAM's ability to run right inside SolidWorks, definitely shortened my learning cycle.  It was really like learning one program with two very powerful functions.  I won't say it was easy, but my philosophy is never give up, so eventually, SolidWorks just clicked and SolidCAM pretty much fell into place.” 

Once Terry Sammon became proficient with SolidWorks and SolidCAM, SolidCAM's iMachining really started to have a huge impact on Mico’s CNC operations.  "With iMachining's, faster cycle times, decreased tool wear and <link en imachining imachining-technology-wizard>intuitive Speeds and Feeds Wizard, it's like having a master machinist with a super-fast CNC mill, using super-wear tools always at my disposal

"The first time I machined a block of D2 tool steel with iMachining, my toolmakers' jaws just hit the ground.  They couldn't believe the speed and depth of cut we were runningat and the amazing material removal rates we were achieving."  

Terry explained that the faster machining times make his production much quicker than his competitors, which means he can bid more aggressively to get more contracts.  In fact, he typically sees a 40% to 50% decrease in cycle time using iMachining

"iMachining has paid for itself many times over with greatly increased tool life." The iMachining Wizard is another key benefit.  "All the machining parameters are automatically computed for you. You just setup your tool, pick your machine and material and it just does the rest."

To anyone who has not seen SolidCAM and iMachining Terry Sammon says, "Once you see it, you will believe it."  SolidCAM with iMachining gives Terry Sammon the tools he needs to drive his company, Mico Industries, to create dies, weld fixtures and check fixtures without compromise, providing the highest possible level of products and service to his customers, all at the best price possible.   Truly a mission accomplished.


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