Czech high-tech shop uses SolidCAM, the Gold-certified integrated CAM-Engine for SolidWorks, to solve the bottleneck in NC programming of modern 5-axis CNC machines.

Frencken Brno s.r.o. produces the most complex parts of the highest quality for demanding customers from the aeronautics and aerospace industry, for instrument and measuring instrument makers, manufacturers of medical devices and even producers of laser and radar equipment

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The founder and Managing Director of contract manufacturer Frencken s.r.o. in Brno, Pavel Sobotka:“Our customers demand the highest precision and machining quality and a high degree of flexibility as well. We are meeting the steadily rising demands through well-qualified and highly motivated staff and, of course, through continuous investments in modern CNC machines and equipment as well as powerful and easy-to-use software.”


“We couldn’t exploit and continue to develop the full potential of our high-tech equipment and our existing know-how. Today you have to consistently use 5-axis machines to profitably manufacture demanding parts. The possibilities of indexed and simultaneous 5-axis machining gives us major competitive advantages.” And so the leap to a CAM system supporting 5 axes was only a question of time.


Josef Pavliš, Technical Manager at Frencken, adds: “The excellent cooperation between our programmers and the specialists from SolidVision was an important reason for the implementation of SolidCAM in our production line. Without the professional approach and the active support of SolidVision the roll-out would certainly have not gone so smoothly.”


The features of SolidCAM for milling with 5 axes are very practical and, above all, easily learned. How easy the software is to use was proven by the speed with which our programmers were able to implement 5-axis milling in practice. With SolidCAM we decided on a complete solution without any compromises.”


The absolutely most important part of the installation, the fully functional 5-axis postprocessor for the Mazak Variaxis machine, is now running perfectly.


To increase the safety of 5-axis tool paths NC programmers first simulate machining completely on the computer with the virtual Mazak Variaxis machine.


Pavliš: “Because complex machining tasks on 5-axis milling centres can be easily defined in SolidCAM, acceptance on the part of the programmers was very high from the beginning. We can now manufacture very complex workpieces that would hardly be economical to manufacture without the most modern features for 5-axis simultaneous milling.”


The productivity advantage alone is not the only justification for the use of 5-axis simultaneous machining. With the use of 5 axis, high slanted side-walls of a workpiece can be machined with the circumference of a tilted milling tool. In addition, surface quality is significantly improved by the use of the new technology.


Pavel Sobotka: “Machines and software are always only as good as the people working with them. Qualifications initially take time and money. But these investments pay off very quickly. Through the efficient use of SolidCAM we can exploit the true potential of our machines.”


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