SolidCAM 2012 European Reseller Technical Conference, Schramberg, Germany: Advanced Mill-Turn, iMachining 3D, Solid Probe..

.. innovations in SolidCAM2012 in Parallel Computing, Machine ID & Setup, 2.5D Mill & Toolbox, HSR/HSM, Sim 5X, Turning, Advanced Mill-Turn, iMachining 3D and Solid Probe

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Over 60 attendees from SolidCAM Ltd European Reseller Network attended SolidCAM 2012 Technical Conference in Schramberg, Germany, at July 12-14.

The Conference focused mainly on technical training of the newest innovations in SolidCAM latest release SolidCAM2012 in Parallel Computing, Machine ID, Machine Setup, 2.5D Mill & Toolbox, HSR/HSM, Sim 5X, Turning and Mill-Turn. Among the important topics covered in the agenda were, Solid Probe, Advanced Mill-Turn and 3D iMachining which were discussed in great detail.

This event also featured live cutting on two CNC Machines at our SolidCAM GmbH Technology Center.

The new developments of SolidCAM Advanced Mill Turn Module were shown on a DMG NTX 1000 Multi-Turret Multi-Spindle Mill-Turn Machine. The cutting showing the features and functionality of 3D iMachining was done on a Hermle C30 CNC Machine.

It was important for SolidCAM Ltd to have such an event to ensure that all the technical team of Resellers in Europe is exposed to the new developments. The aim of the event was to provide SolidCAM Resellers with the tools they need to make the best demonstration to the customers and to provide them with the best support.

SolidCAM2012 European Technical Conference was a great success by any measure. Three days with a packed agenda, live cutting at SolidCAM GmbH Technology Center and daily discussions about all the new functionality we put into this great version.

All agreed that the success of this event would not have been possible without the unique atmosphere that each participant contributed throughout the three days.

With the power of the SolidCAM2012 release and especially with the Advanced Mill-Turn, Solid Probe and 3D iMachining, SolidCAM can offer its customers the best CAM-Solution ever. The seamless single-window integration in SolidWorks provides SolidCAM customers with the best integrated CAD/CAM solution ever!

Advanced Mill-Turn live cutting
Advanced Mill-Turn live cutting
One of the parts machined throughout the conference
Making fun together
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