SolidCAM Additive Customer Event at the SolidCAM Technology Center in Schramberg

The first worldwide event of its kind was held on May 25 at our SolidCAM GmbH Schramberg Technology Center: Combining Metal 3D printing with CNC machining, for our SolidCAM Machine Shop customers.

|  Customer feedback

The event was held for SolidCAM Medical manufacturing customers from the city of Tuttlingen, Germany. SolidCAM has about 200 customers, out of its total 5000 customers in Germany, in this famous Tuttlingen area for medical parts manufacturing.

SolidCAM today has 20,000 CNC manufacturing customers worldwide, who are very highly satisfied with our excellent SolidCAM product and our Technical and Postprocessor support.

When Desktop Metal released their Metal 3D Printing systems, we realized that our current SolidCAM customers will eventually need these 3D printing Metal systems, sooner rather than later.

SolidCAM is educating and guiding our CNC customers into the advantages of 3D Metal Printing. We know the limitations and where this 3D Printing technology excels – so same as we provide practical technical support to SolidCAM customers for CNC machining, we offer the same for 3D Metal Printing.

We investigate the customer part and decide whether “this can be done with 3D Metal Printing or not”, “how much cost saving can be achieved with 3D Metal Printing” and “what CNC post-processing is required”. We also consult our customers regarding modifying the original SOLIDWORKS 3D model, so we get a state of the model “for 3D Printing”.

Today SolidCAM offers the leading worldwide innovative technological process, that combines 3D Metal printing with CNC finishing, for manufacturers of all sizes.

See original LinkedIn post

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