SolidCAM Showcases Live iMachining Cutting at IMTS 2014!

SolidCAM took the opportunity of this year's bi-annual IMTS exhibition in Chicago to showcase its revolutionary iMachining technology.

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Since CNC machines are not allowed at the CAM Software Pavilion, SolidCAM had their booth at an adjoining hall and exhibited live <link http: imachining imachining-overview external-link-new-window external link in new>iMachining cutting on 2 CNC machines, showing the immense power of iMachining to save cutting time and extend tool life.

The unique, patented iMachining module of SolidCAM, seamlessly integrated in SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor, provides unbelievable savings and increased efficiency in the CNC milling operations, translating into profits and success for SolidCAM customers worldwide. iMachining saves 70% and more in CNC machining time and extends cutting tool life dramatically.

The unique iMachining Technology Wizard, provides optimal feeds and speeds, taking into account the toolpath, stock and tool material and machine specifications.

Emil Somekh, founder and CEO of SolidCAM said, "The true value of CAM software is how it drives a CNC Machine to achieve incredible levels of cutting speed, while dramatically slashing tool wear, so the best way to show the bottom line benefits of SolidCAM iMachining is by demonstrating it in live cutting on CNC machines”, and that’s exactly the tack that SolidCAM took at IMTS 2014.

SolidCAM's iMachining starred in the show on a <link http: en-us cnc-machine-tools machining-centers vertical pages high-speed.aspx _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>HURCO VMX24HSi high speed mill. Onlookers gathered around the machine to watch the iMachining chips flying live, with many commenting that they had, "never seen such fast machining in steel".

A small Defiance VTX tabletop mill, retrofitted by <link http: _blank external-link-new-window external link in new>MachMotion and powered by iMachining, cut a part in 1018 steel. This small machine was originally designed to cut wood and foam only. Shaun Mymudes, SolidCAM COO added that, “The excitement in the air that was generated when they saw that little CNC machine hurling chips with big machine ferocity was truly contagious.”

While the two CNC machines, cutting with iMachining, amazed the crowds, SolidCAM’s team was demonstrating the power of the latest SolidCAM and InventorCAM versions that support the full range of manufacturing applications in milling 2-5 axes, turning and advanced mill-turn for multi-turret and multi-spindle machines.

The iMachining Challenge

While all the activity buzzed, hundreds of people were entering the iMachining Challenge by estimating the time they thought it will take to machine a sample part.  After the actual cut every hour, a prize was awarded to the person who got closest to the amazing actual machining time achieved by iMachining.

With the amount of crowds in our booth and the excitement generated by SolidCAM iMachining, IMTS 2014 was one of SolidCAM’s most exciting and successful exhibitions.

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