corso di formazione iMachining

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Load the CAM-Part
Load the CAM-Part

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Machine the Main Pocket
Machine the Main Pocket

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Helical Entry
Helical Entry

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Define the Rest & Finish Machining
Define the Rest & Finish Machining

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Small Pre-Drilled Hole
Small Pre-Drilled Hole

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Large Pre-Drilled Hole (Entry Hole)
Large Pre-Drilled Hole (Entry Hole)

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Machine the Top of the Mounting Block (Island)
Machine the Top of the Mounting Block (Island)

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Machine the Holes
Machine the Holes

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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iMachining with Small Tools
iMachining with Small Tools

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Machine the Counterbores
Machine the Counterbores

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili
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Machine the Vent Slots
Machine the Vent Slots

 Esercizio 5: Entrata elicoidale, preforatura e piccoli utensili