Burns Machinery Inc, NV, USA - "iMachining is incredibly impressive"

...We have been running an aluminum pocketing job for 15 years. The run time has been 22 minutes. The job now runs in iMachining in 9 minutes...As impressive as the improved run times are the tool savings..


|  Machinery

Greg Burns, Owner Burns Machinery Inc., Minden, NV, USA 

"Just got iMachining last week. Pretty easy learning curve from SolidWorks. Phenomenal one-on-one tech support. The on-line videos will teach you 95% in an evening.

"Watching an iMachining operation for the first time is an adventure similar to the "Reno Air Races", without the crash. We have been running an aluminum pocketing job on Fadals for 15 years. The run time has been 22 minutes. Typical chirping in the corners; motor red-lining in the corners.

The job now runs in iMachining in 9 minutes, and the motor never exceeds 40%, and I have not worn a tool yet in three days of cutting (1/2" EM 2" LOC)."

"I'm a believer. Hopefully my competitors in the neighborhood don't catch on".

"The software is working great. I'm going back and re-programming jobs that we have been running for years, with iMachining, and cutting lots of machining time."

"I am using the iMachining a lot more recently. I was working on a 10-month long machinery project and have not had the time to give a good test until recently. It is incredibly impressive. I hope none of my local competition learns about it any time soon.

As impressive as the improved run times are the tool savings. We now use smaller, less expensive end-mills andthey run 5 to 10 times longer"


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