iMachining cut in Aluminum - 66% saving

...7 people saw the cut and filmed it -they all thought these results are impossible to achieve


|  iMachining successes at Customers

From: David Gontar
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:08 PM
To: Emil Somekh
Subject: iMachining cut in Aluminum - 66% saving

iMachining demo in Data Technologies 28/1/13 with Ram.

Work Material: Aluminium AL 6061-T4

Pocket Depth:29 mm
Step:14.5 mm
Tool: End Mill 14 mm Diameter 4 teeth

Spindle speed:25000 RPM
Feed rate: 25,000 mm/min

Max Chip thickness:2.4 mm

iMachining level 8 turbo

Customer Time: 50 minutes
iMachining time: 12 minutes
Time saved: 66%

7 people saw the cut and filmed it - they all thought these results are impossible to achieve

Some of the people who saw it were from a close by customer of ours and asked us to do demo next week in order to show their manager the power of iMachining

Best Regards,


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