iMachining saves 66% in cutting time in Aluminum..

...iMachining of Aluminum at level 8 turbo - owner said never in his 40 years of experience in CNC, did he encounter such high speeds and depth

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From: Ram Markovich
Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 3:33 PM
To: Emil Somekh
Subject: 21.2.13 iMachining saves 66% in cutting time in Aluminum..

Hi All !

I visited Meir Mechanics, who does electronic packaging parts, to demonstrate iMachining

 Material : 6061-T651 Aluminum

 Machine : Takumi with Fanuc controller

 Depth of cut : 18 mm
 Tool : end mill, diameter 10, teeth 3 ( ISCAR )
Cutting time customer : 52 minutes

iMachining Cutting parameters : level 8 turbo, step down 18 millimeters. 
Cutting time iMachining:18 minutes
Saving : 66 %
6 people saw the cut, including the owner
The programmer is 67 years old and is retiring in 2 months..

He said never in his 40 years of experience in the CNC field, he never encountered such conditions of high speeds and depth, as used in iMachining



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