IMTS 2012 Video Interview - SolidCAM's iMachining revolutionizes CAM technology to deliver high-productivity milling

..iMachining's Technology Wizard considers the machine being used, the material being cut and the entire geometry and material of the cutting tool..

|  iMachining in Press

iMachining™ has the ability to subdivide pockets into areas that can be cut with iMachining’s morphing tool-paths. The intelligent separation routines use iMachining’s unique channellingtool-paths to divide the pockets up into areas that can be efficiently machined using the standard iMachining morphing tool-paths which smoothly remove the remaining material. 

iMachining™ optimizes the feeds and speeds through the technology wizard for each individual component and setup taking into account all the machine specifics (Spindle power, max feed / speed etc.), all the cutting tool data (number of teeth, helix angle, cutting length, tool material etc.) and all the material properties.

<link http: nbc articles imts-2012-video-interview-solidcam-imachining-revolutionizes-cam-technology-deliver-high-productivity-milling>


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