
SolidCAM and iMachining take part in the manufacture of Škoda Fabia R5

...after only two months, iMachining had returned its investment! The main savings were in machining time, which were cut in half in many cases, compared to standard milling strategies....

iMachining 3Dはアルミニウムのワークで40%そしてステンレススチールのワークで77%のサイクルタイムを短縮

iMachining 3Dの使用で、Bock and Klingenbergは加工時間を40%と77%まで削減。

iMachining 3Dがアルミニウムの部品加工で勝利

..彼らはiMachining 3Dの加工技術を大変気に入りました。彼らはまた、プログラミングの簡単さと早さ、もちろん加工のスピードも気に入りました。

iMachining 2D はお客様であるSustielで成功 – アルミ加工で64%の削減


Major saving with iMachining 3D, in both steel and aluminum, in Aircraft Industry

57% cycle time saving in Aluminum part and 76% cycle time in Steel part..

SolidCAMのお客様Meir Mechanicsでの加工ベンチマーク – アルミで74%の削減!


iMachining saving in Aluminum reaches 75%

.."It was just amazing - iMachining worked immediately - For all components, we now achieve savings of 65 to 75%.”

Saving 65% in cutting aluminum part with iMachining 2D, at SolidCAM customer Terlidor cycle time saving for the 400 piece series: 73 hr 20 min..

iMachining + HSM cutting Aluminum - 33% saving in cycle time, double tool life, reduce programming time

..reducing machining time from 15 min to 10 min per part.. and from 2 end mills to 1 end mill..

iMachining 3D saves customer 48% in cycle time in aluminum

...after iMachining 2D increased his profit by 300% when cutting steel!

Amazing iMachining Win- Saving 78% cycle time in Aluminum!

During my visit I saw a very big potential for the customer to save time in their parts with iMachining 2D

Great win for iMachining in Aluminum - 64% saving!

..they did not believe that we can cut with the full depth of the tool and with the milling speeds generated by iMachining..

Nate Stuart, 034motorsport: "Absolutely loving iMachining, or rather my operator is!"

...he's always impressed how quickly we're chewing new parts thanks to it - it cut our steel times way down, and tool life is way up.. the times are dramatically reduced..

Huge aluminum part cut with SolidCAM, mainly with iMachining..

..aluminum part for Bloodhound SSC, which is a jet and rocket powered car designed to go at 1,000 mph and is a mix of car and aircraft technology...

Australian customer iMachining Success in Aluminum!

..SolidCAM user can remove 7.7KG of material that they have never cut before in 17 minutes!...simply amazing!

Cadron Aviation社でのiMachining3Dベンチマーク : サイクルタイムを 56% 削減 , アルミを深く切削

...パーツの2番目の加工面 – バキュームでしか固定ができません。iMachiningで、バキュームによる固定で、このように早い速度で加工できることを、プログラマーは信じませんでした。

iMachining success - cycle time reduction by 70% against Competitor CAM in Aluminum

..prospect working with Competitor CAM and wanted to change for a CAM solution integrated in SolidWorks... impressed to see how easy it was to machine his part with iMachining in such a short time and…

SolidCAM customer A.P.A orders 2 modules of iMachining 2D and 3D, mainly for aluminum machining

..owner said: "amazing... I have no words to describe my satisfaction from iMachining - I couldn't have imagined how much time it saved us in Aluminum"

iMachining vs. Competitor in Aluminum cutting - totally superior, completely another level!

..cutting this part in 20 min with your CAM system and I’m cutting it with iMachining in 6 min.

EPS-での大きなアルミの電装ボックス-345x175 深さ115mm-で、iMachiningの驚くべき加工

