Casos de êxito do iMachining

iMachining Test Cut in Titanium At Avco - more than 50% saving

..They have to do many batches of 12 such Boeing 787 titanium parts in the coming months

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iMachining first order in Japan

...customer looked at demonstration of 12 CAM vendors and chose SolidCAM because of iMachining...

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Jay Dixon, Dixons Surgical Instruments Ltd., UK "incredible tool life, faster cycles, lighter cutting loads"

.."The user interface is very clear and simple, and programming iMachining is faster than traditional strategies.“

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iMachining at Maini Aerospace - 58% Savings in Aluminum against Competitor CAM

...Competitor CAM - 200 min, iMachining - 84 mins

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Jason Near, Rotary Airlock, LLC, Rock Falls, IL, USA "Every day we don't use SolidCAM iMachining we are losing money!"

"You can quickly recover the entire cost of SolidCAM and iMachining in tooling cost savings alone."

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Udo Trimborn, Trimborn Maschinenbau: "We are really convinced about iMachining"

..milled the same part with a higher iMachining level, and we reduced the machining time to 4 1/2 mins , as opposed to 17 mins

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ProKASRO Mechatronics GmbH in Karlsruhe on iMachining: "we're thrilled - it's just incredible"

...the cycle times have been reduced by 70% to 80% - sometimes even reduced by 90%

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Dreiling Maschinenbau GmbH: "With iMachining, even on low-performance machines, we can reach very high metal removal rates"

...Well at first we were skeptical about all of the promised time savings of 70 to 80 percent, but it's really true

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Two iMachining Test Cuts at existing SolidCAM customers - savings of 66% & 75% in time

..both of them will buy iMachining..

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iMachining great results at 2 customers - savings of 77% and 80%!

Two iMachining test cuttings at SolidCAM customers in 6061-T6 and 304 Stainless Steel with great savings

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iMachining saves 66% in cutting time in Aluminum..

...iMachining of Aluminum at level 8 turbo - owner said never in his 40 years of experience in CNC, did he encounter such high speeds and depth

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iMachining great results at customer - savings of 70% in steel!

.. iMachining Wizard level 4, step down 25 mm HAAS CNC Machine - cutting time reduced from 50 min to 15 min with iMachining..

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iMachining with Hoffmann Garant Tools - great machining results!

..showed SolidCAM 2.5D, HSS and, obviously, the highlight iMachining - they could not believe what I show them on the screen!

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iMachining 3D win at Menes – 85% saving

....Chief programmer Igor said: "I hope we get such results every day – we will have great savings in costs with iMachining 3D!!"

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Terence Sammon, Mico Industries, Grand Rapids, MI:"The SolidCAM software is very powerful."

..I had some of the 'conventionally' trained die makers watch a block I programmed with iMachining and their jaws hit the floor when they saw how fast material could be removed on D2 tool steel!

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Kevin Kluver, Alexandria Industries: "It has also saved me at ton of machine time in the tooling area using the iMachining feature"

...SolidCAM is easier to use with the programming and just being able to set work coordinates faster and much easier

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iMachining amazes customer with its outstanding capability in cutting steel, on an old CNC machine!

..customer extremely impressed - could not believe that these feeds and speeds are possible for such a machine!

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Jeff S.: "iMachining is incredible at removing large amount of material in hard to reach areas such as the magwell and fire control pockets."

...thanks to the InventorCAM team, in 3 months time I have learned to run a Haas VF3SS and a rudimentary CAM program without any CNC background

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iMachining at SolidCAM's customer ZARKON - saving 86% in Steel!

...cutting deep in steel...after cutting the three parts, the tool remained in perfect condition!

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Markus Schmid, SCNC Technik, Villingen Schwenningen: "iMachining paid for itself within 2 months"

..I really should not even recommend iMachining because then my competitors also get it...but iMachining is just great"

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