SolidCAM at the Euromold 2013 exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany

...“Euromold was the last exhibition in a very successful year for SolidCAM. The impressive showing of our latest products demonstrate the very powerful solutions that we can provide to our machining customers today”...


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SolidCAM participated in this year´s Euromold 2013, for the 19th time in a row. This important exhibition, in the field of mold making and tooling, design and application development, took place in Frankfurt, Germany, December 03-06.

Mold making is a competitive industry and its main challenge is short delivery times. In this industry it is necessary to combine excellent toolpath quality with optimal performance.  SolidCAM has an excellent CAM solution for any factory in the moldmaking industry.

SolidCAM exhibited our latest SolidCAM and InventorCAM versions, seamlessly integrated in SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor, providing an excellent CAM solution for any factory in the moldmaking industry. In SolidCAM’s latest versions, there have been major enhancements in its revolutionary iMachining 3D, HSM and Simultaneous 5 Axis modules, providing the winning combination for mold and insert machining.

iMachining 3D automatically produces a complete, ready to run CNC program, with optimal cutting conditions to rough, rest rough and semi-finish a complete 3D part, with True Scallop on all slopes, all in a single operation. iMachining 3D provides amazing 3D machining results, regularly providing 70% savings in machining time, and can reach up to 90% savings, compared to other systems.

SolidCAM's HSM module provides the best 3D finish toolpath for any mold or insert part. The result of HSM is an efficient and smooth toolpath, translating to best surface quality.

The latest enhancements in SolidCAM’s Simultaneous 5 Axis  modules include multi-axis drillCountour 5 Axis and enhancement to Convert HSM to Sim 5 Axis strategy. Since  a lot of mold shops are introducing sim 5x machines, the Convert HSM to Sim 5 axis strategy enables conversion of 3D HSM toolpath to full 5x toolpath. This achieves better surface quality by using different tool tilting strategies and short tools.

At our Euromold booth, the SolidCAM team and two of our resellers in Germany, DPS and Coffee, exhibited at 5 demonstration places, showing the latest versions of SolidCAM + SolidWorks and InventorCAM + Inventor.

LIVE cutting demonstrations were done on a Grob G350 -1239 5-axis machining center. We cut 1.2379 Tool Steel with iMachining 2D & 3D, with tools ranging from diameter 16 mm to a diameter of 1.5 mm. Simultaneous 5x roughing and swarfing cuts were also made.The Hoffman Group, whose tools were utilized in the LIVE-cutting demonstrations, were present in our booth.

Dr. Emil Somekh, Founder and CEO of SolidCAM, “Euromold was the last exhibition in a very successful year for SolidCAM. The impressive showing of our latest products, including the amazing iMachining 2D & 3D technology, demonstrate the very powerful solutions that we can provide to our machining customers today”.<link https: photos albums external link in new>

Click here for the gallery of pictures from Euromold

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