SolidCAM China at Wuxi Entrepreneur Activities Day - Smart Manufacturing Conference

...Deputy Mayor, Mr. Cao emphasized his appreciation for SolidCAM’s smart, efficient and revolutionary technology of iMachining...

|  iMachining in Press

On July 7, 2015, SolidCAM China was invited to attend and participate in “Wuxi Entrepreneur Day - Smart Manufacturing Conference”. Wuxi, a city near Shanghai in eastern China, is famous also for being one of the birthplaces of China’s modern industry and commerce. This event was organized by SolidCAM’s partner in Wuxi, IC11, and was held at the Wuxi Nikko Hotel. More than 150 participants attended it.

The conference was presided by Mr. CHEN XiaohuaDeputy Director of Wuxi Municipal Commission of Economy and Information. There were also speeches made by key speakers, including Deputy MayorMr. CAO Jiazhong, <link http: sitepages channelpages _blank>who gave an overview of the Economic and Information Technology situation in Wuxi.

In his speech, Mr. Cao emphasized his appreciation for SolidCAM’s smart, efficient and revolutionary technology of iMachining. Another speech was given by the Chairman of Wuxi Entrepreneurs/Enterprises Association, Mr. LI Yanren. He spoke about the importance of Industry 4.0 for enterprises in Wuxi, urging the adoption of smart and unique technologies like SolidCAM and iMachining

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