SolidCAM Concludes a Successful Swiss-Type Seminar in Shenzhen

On August 18, 2020, SolidCAM, HKPC (Hong Kong Productivity Council) and Shenzhen Taoshi Precision Technology Co., Ltd. jointly held a SolidCAM Swiss-Type seminar in Shenzhen.

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Roughly 80 people representing nearly 40 Machine Shops from South and East China attended the meeting.

Mr. Tao Yulong, General Manager of Shenzhen Taoshi Precision Technology Co., Ltd., a longtime customer of SolidCAM, shared his successful experience using SolidCAM with everyone.

Due to COVID-19, the participants were unable to visit the factory workshop. So SolidCAM instead presented a live remote from the real factory and performed multi-axis machining of precision parts on a STAR Swiss-Type CNC.

During the seminar, SolidCAM held special activities to thank the participants. 5 companies signed up for trials of SolidCAM's software.

Thanks to all the new and longtime customers as well as the partners that participated in the event, SolidCAM aims to continue its growth in China.

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