Cutting steel part with iMachining in INCOMAC company - saving 75% in cycle time on a part that has a 200 per-month run!!

..they were shocked and had no words, calculating how much iMachining would save on the 200 part run they must machine every month!


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From: Evgeny Lamez []
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 9:30 AM
To: Emil Somekh; Zvika Friedman
Subject: Cutting steel part with iMachining in INCOMAC company - saving 75% in cycle time on a part that has a 200 per-month run!!

Hi Emil,

INCOMAC in Karmiel is a long-time SolidCAM customer. They do mainly electronic packaging machining.

Three weeks ago I showed Sharon, the Plant Manager, the power of iMachining by cutting an example part in Aluminum 6061.

The iMachining cutting was very impressive, and the plant manager told me that he would like to see another iMachining cutting, this time in steel.

Yesterday they called me and gave me a steel part that they need to manufacture in a large quantity, two hundred every month.

The part material was 304 stainless steel.

Each part worked 20 minutes on their Leadwell CNC machine (In their normal method).

I did the programming with iMachining very quickly, and sent the GCODE to the CNC machine. I used Iscar tools (two cutters):

  1. End Mill - Diameter 12 mm, 5 teeth
  2. End Mill - Diameter 8 mm, 5 teeth

The cutting on the machine with the iMachining toolpath took 5 minutes(iMachining LEVEL 3 only). Cycle time saving by iMachining = 75%

They were shocked and had no words, calculating how much iMachining would save on the 200 part run, that they must machine every month!

They already received a quote from us, and they would like to order iMachining 2D + our Turning Module.

Best Regards,
Evgeny Lamez

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