iMachining great success at AH Industries

iMachining is the module they use now for all Roughing operations in the machine shop, for all kind of materials, for all kind of pockets, profiles and 3D roughing operations.

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From: Zvika Friedman
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 11:23 PM
To: Emil Somekh
Subject:iMachining great success at AH Industries

Hi Emil, 

AH Industries was one of our first customers to understand the amazing power of iMachining. 

He had purchased iMachining 2D in 2011 to add to one of his three existing SolidCAM systems, after we showed him in an iMachining live cut saving 50% on a 4340 steel part.

After using iMachining 2D for some time, the customer said:

“iMachining is a fantastic module, you can send to me any customer you want and I will give him my warm recommendation". 

After a period the customer added iMachining 3D to the same station.

At the beginning of 2014 he got from us two more evaluation modules of iMachining 2D+3D for his two other SolidCAM systems.

Yesterday he purchased these two additional iMachining 2D+3D modules.

What is interesting at this customer, and is also common to many others SolidCAM customers factories who are using iMachining, is the decision they have taken:  

iMachining is the module they use now for all Roughing operations in the machine shop, for all kind of materials, for all kind of pockets, profiles and 3D roughing operations.


“iMachining turned out to be our excellent roughing module",
said Yariv Peer, the owner of AH Industries.

"We are using iMachining 2D+3D on a daily basis. We know to appreciate the value it gives us for tool life and CNC machine life. Obviously also the unbelievable saving in machining time".  

Best Regards,

Zvika Friedman

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