iMachining success with special Tool from Mapal

...iMachining was very successful with this part, working really well – fast, controlled and machining gently.

|  Cutting tool

From: Guersel Demircali

Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 4:42 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Cc: Bekir Kilic;; Gerhard Laegeler

Subject: iMachining success with special Tool from Mapal 

Hi Emil,

Last week I was at Technical University Dortmund to do an iMachining cutting with Mapal Tools.

<link http: en>

Mapal have designed a special Tool for iMachining.

The Part we had to cut was a special design for thin walls. small corners and thin tool working areas.

Cutting Parameters:

Cutting Depth: 32 mm  

iMachining Level 8 with 480VC

Tool: END MILL D12 with 36 mm cutting length and 5 flutes

Material: Steel 1.7131

Machine: DMG HSC 75 linear

Other CAM systems also did test cutting of this Part. The technical guy from Mapal told me that they all had extreme problems with the thin tool working areas -  so they always damaged the tool.

iMachining was very successful with this part, working really well – fast, controlled and machining gently.

I am attaching a Video and a Pic from the Part. 

Link: <link https: s tku86aflxc8pgmg4iqif>

Best regards

Gürsel Demircali,  Technik


Gewerbepark H.A.U. 36, 78713 Schramberg 

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