SolidCAM with iMachining demolishes Competitor CAM

..65% cycle time saving.. Phenomenal tool life.. Excellent finish..

|  Job Shop

From: Paul Wick
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 10:30 PM
To: Emil Somekh; Shaun Mymudes
Subject: FW: SolidCAM with iMachining demolishes Competitor CAM..

Hi Emil,

Our new customer is:  Ken Wittekiend, Witt Machine and Tool Co., Fort Garland, CO, USA

<link http:>

He has bought SolidCAM about 2 weeks now – purchased SolidWorks Parts Only and SolidCAM 2.5D Pro (includes 2D iMachining) and HSS.

He has watched our iMachining videos and wondered how it would work with his Haas Office Mill with 30K spindle. Sent us a part to demo. Jestin was working on the part: SS Muzzles for rifles. He was using competitor CAM till now.

As you can see in his email, he is very happy now about the investment in SolidCAM.

He also teaches a local Tech College CNC class part time and I have offered to get him a lab pack that he can use with his students.

Best Regards,

Paul Wick, Sales manager, SolidCAM Inc


From: <link>

Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2014 12:10 PM
To: Paul Wick
Subject: SolidCAM iMachining vs Competitor CAM



I wanted to take a minute to show you the difference we're experiencing using SolidCAM iMachining vs. Competitor CAM

We did our first run of parts with SolidCAM iMachining last night: 

Cycle times are decreased by approx. 65% and there is no need for additional sanding on a flap wheel.

Tool life is also phenomenal; the machine ran all last night on the same tools.

The first picture is the part done with SolidCAM iMachining:

The second picture is the part done with the Competitor CAM - this part required a lot of hand finishing to get the finish somewhat decent, not to mention, the many dollars I had to spend in sanding wheels each week.

The difference is amazing and the shop kid that did all the sanding is now in love with you.




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