Внедрение iMachining

iMachining Saves Wuxi Turbine Blade Co. 60% in Cycle Time

SolidCAM’s engineer used iMachining 2D and decreased their roughing time from 30 minutes to 12 (60% faster) ...

Kingdom Flow Control Co. Reports 50% Cycle Time Savings Using iMachining 3D + HSM vs. Competitor CAM …

SolidCAM recently visited Kingdom Flow Control Co., LTD., to demonstrate iMachining 3D + HSM. Kingdom was using a competitor CAM that needed 5 hours to process the part.

 Штампы и пресс-формы
SolidCAM France replaced 2 Competitor CAM seats thanks to Partner/iMachining/Multiblade module

...thanks to iMachining, I got the full attention of the manager and they started to envisage to change their CAM System.

 Аэрокосмическая промышленность
Special iMachining Story – great success at Carl Zeiss SMT

..now the manager was deeply convinced to change his current CAM software.

iMachining 3D + HSM Finish Results - Fantastic!

Finish achieved was 0.37 Ra Value, which is about half of what was expected!!!

 Магазин вакансий
SolidCAM with iMachining demolishes Competitor CAM

..65% cycle time saving.. Phenomenal tool life.. Excellent finish..

 Магазин вакансий
заменой CAM-системы - iMachining сокращения времени обработки на 80%!

...При первой попытке использовать iMachining инструмент работал очень тихо и плавно, безопасным образом.

 Потребительский продукт
iMachining позволил существенно сократить время обработки деталей из магния

В результате применения iMachining вместо другой CAM-системы время обработки сократилось с 25 до 16 часов. Затраты времени на программирование также уменьшились на 1 час.

 Аэрокосмическая промышленность
Cutting part with iMachining 3D saves cycle time and extends tool life dramatically!

....33% saving in cycle time.. ISCAR Tool cut 12 Parts with iMachining 3D toolpath, instead of only 1 Part with Competitor CAM!

Schüber Metalltechnik: обработка при помощи iMachining 3D – сокращение на 56%

...они были потрясены возможностями iMachining 3D. Уже через 40 минут (на 56% быстрее) мы закончили обработку первой стороны.

 Магазин вакансий
Успешное применение SolidCAM и iMachining в компании MoldeMatos

...Наша система полностью заменила ранее применявшуюся в этой компании CAM-систему. Мы подписали соглашение на поставку еще 3 рабочих мест (с iMachining) для MoldeMatos.

 Штампы и пресс-формы
57% Time saving in A.A. Daniel with iMachining 3D, compared to other CAM High Speed Machining

.. the programming process in SolidCAM is much easier, faster and more effective, compared to the other CAM system...They were very excited to see the results with iMachining 3D

 Магазин вакансий
iMachining success - cycle time reduction by 70% against Competitor CAM in Aluminum

..prospect working with Competitor CAM and wanted to change for a CAM solution integrated in SolidWorks... impressed to see how easy it was to machine his part with iMachining in such a short time and…

 успехи iMachining у клиентов
iMachining win against Competitor - 10 min vs 33 min..

..He said to me : "iMachining is unbelievable - it really works very well. This is the first time I see something like that"

 успехи iMachining у клиентов
«другие CAM-системы на световые годы отстают от iMachining»

...Я еще не видел CAM-программы, которая обеспечивала бы качественный выбор скорости подачи и частоты вращения. Пожалуй, за исключением SolidCAM iMachining».

 iMachining в сравнении с конкурентами
iMachining vs. Competitor in Aluminum cutting - totally superior, completely another level!

..cutting this part in 20 min with your CAM system and I’m cutting it with iMachining in 6 min.

 успехи iMachining у клиентов
iMachining with Hoffmann Garant Tools - great machining results!

..showed SolidCAM 2.5D, HSS and, obviously, the highlight iMachining - they could not believe what I show them on the screen!

 Магазин вакансий
SolidCAM wins against Competitor CAM at Alubin-SHL with iMachining impressive cutting results

..we used iMachining 3D for the 3D Roughing – the results impressed the customer tremendously..

 Штампы и пресс-формы
Important InventorCAM win with iMachining against Competitor CAM

..completely different level in toolpath generation than competitor CAM and iMachining has the unique Technology Wizard

SolidCAM iMachining 2D/3D beats Competitor CAM at Motif Engineers with 60% cycle time reduction

...customer very excited with successful iMachining trial - 60% cycle time reduction and increase in tool life at first attempt.

 Штампы и пресс-формы