Australian customer iMachining Success in Aluminum!

..SolidCAM user can remove 7.7KG of material that they have never cut before in 17 minutes!...simply amazing!

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From: Grant Preston []

Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 3:41 PM

To: Emil Somekh; Eddie Pevzner

Subject: iMachining Success!


Hi Emil/ Eddie,

A new SolidCAM customer made this achievement in a new material!!!

Machine = DMG DMU 65

Stock = 8.4KG of Aluminium 5083 AP5

Finished Part = 700 Grams

Tool = Garr 12mm 3 Flute (32 mm flute length)

iMachining Level = 7

Spindle Load = 11-12% (The machine wasn't even tested!!)

Cycle Time = 17 minutes!!!

A new SolidCAM user can remove 7.7KG of material that they have never cut before in 17 minutes! ...simply amazing!

Best Regards

Grant Preston



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