iMachining 3D + HSM Finish Results - Fantastic!

Finish achieved was 0.37 Ra Value, which is about half of what was expected!!!

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From: Amod Onkar
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 1:00 PM
To: Emil Somekh
Cc: Eddie Pevzner
Subject:iMachining 3D + HSM Finish Results – Fantastic!
Importance: High


Hi Emil,

We had to machine a Mold for a Mobile Phone Part Cover, using iMachining 3D forRoughing and Rest Rough and HSM for Finish.

Material: Toolox 44 (45 HRC)

CNC Machine:  Mazak machine.

SolidCAM iMachining 3D + HSM Cutting time: 4 hrs

Competitor CAM cutting time: 6.5 hrs

Final Finish achieved was 0.37 Ra Value, which is about half of what was expected !!!

Total Time Savings: 39% + Fantastic Surface Finish

These results prove the immense power of the combination of iMachining 3D with HSM Finish.


With regards,

Amod Onkar

SolidCAM India

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