iMachining Aluminum at ITS - 77% savings!!!

..standard operation = 40 min - iMachining rough cut 8 minutes and iMachining finish cut 1 minute - total 9 min with iMachining


|  Machinery

Subject: iMachining Aluminum at ITS - 77% savings!!!

Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2012 11:25:38 +0200

From: Sidney Eisner <link>

To: 'Emil Somekh' <link>


Hi Emil,

ITS offers manufacturing and machining of products of high precision machines.

<link http: machining-department>


ITS uses SolidWorks for design and SolidCAM for manufacturing.

After Emil's visit there on Tuesday, their main programmer called me up and asked me to come in and show them iMachining as he had large aluminum plate (800mm x 400mm x 22mm), that had several large pockets to be machined.

The standard operation of rough pocket machining and a finish cut on the walls was taking him just over 40 minutes to machine.

When I got there in the morning, the part was already on the machine waiting to be cut.

 I immediately sat down on his computer and replaced the rough cut that he used with iMachining.

We used a 16mm 3 flute turbo end mill from ISCAR, and generated the toolpath with iMachining turbo mode with level 6. I also added a finish iMachining cut with the same end mill.

The iMachining results were amazing!!

The rough cut took just over 8 minutes and the finish cut just under 1 minute - total 9 min with iMachining (77% savings).

The main programmer had a big smile on his face and production manager were ecstatic.

 Here are the technical information:

Material – 6160 t6 (SS)

Part had 12 pockets. Each pocket was 105 mm x 120 mm x 16 mm with a corner radius of 10 mm.

Tooling – Iscar 16mm 3 fluted turbo endmill

iMachining level – Turbo 6

Tool rotation – S (rpm) 8753 V (m/mm) 440

Feed (mm/min) approximately 6580

Step over – min. 0.12mm max. 6.61

Constant chip thickness – 0.247mm

At that moment the production manager turned to me and said that on the machine next to the one we were using, they were cutting a carbon-steel part and asked me if it will work there as well.

On the spotI changed his roughing cut to iMachining that took 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes (90% savings).

Later the owner of the company came, saw the iMachining results and said let's get it. They were particularly impressed also as to how easy it was to program with iMachining.

iMachining ROCKS!!!

At your service,

Sidney Eisner

Corporate Sales and Support


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