iMachining at Hermle 2012 in-house exhibition, Gosheim, April 18-21

..We had one machine with a big iMachining Part, another machine with mill turn and another also with an iMachining part on it.


|  iMachining successes at Customers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: iMachining success at Hermle AG 2012 in-house exhibition, Gosheim, April 18-21
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2012 07:23:51 +0200
From: Rainer Herbstreuter <>
To: Emil Somekh <link>

Hello Emil,

We were very successful with iMachining at Hermle open House.

We had one machine with a big iMachining Part, another machine with mill turn and another also with an iMachining part on it.

There was a advertising Company which was doing many pictures from this iMachining Part on request from Hermle.

I had to leave more material there because in this week another advertising company is doing the same with iMachining cutting on Hermle machines.

One important member from the development team of Hermle was coming, sent by Hermann Ritter the CEO of Hermle, to see what we are doing with iMachining.

About 95% of my demos in our booth at the exhibition were on iMachining.

Rainer Herbsrtreuter
SolidCAM GmbH

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