iMachining at SolidCAM's customer ZARKON - saving 86% in Steel!

...cutting deep in steel...after cutting the three parts, the tool remained in perfect condition!



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From: David Gontar

Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 11:03 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Subject: iMachining at SolidCAM customer ZARKON - saving 86% in Steel!


Hi Emil,

Report : 9.4.13

I visited SolidCAM customer Zarkon. They are Cutting toolmanufacturers.

We made an iMachining benchmark, cutting deep in a steel part.



Material: 1020 Steel

Depth of cut: 20 mm

Tool: End mill, diameter 7 mm, teeth 4

Previous cutting time customer: 37 minutes 

iMachining cutting parameters: level 5

Cutting time iMachining: 5.5 minutes

Saving by iMachining: 86% in cycle time

The programmer Sergey was so astonished with the result of the first part that he had to cut two more parts just to make sure these really are the savings!

After cutting the three parts, the tool remained in perfect condition!

David Gontar

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