iMachining Success at MWE in stainless steel - 76% savings!

..The boss of the company says - that looks like we are working with aluminum!!!


|  Consumer product

Sent: Monday, July 28, 2014 4:57 PM
To: Emil Somekh
Cc: Iris Braendle
Subject: iMachining Success Story at MWE in stainless steel – 76% savings!
We have visited some time ago our customer <link http: en>MWE Edelstahlmanufaktur in Emsdetten, Germany.

They only mill stainless steel.

Some staff from the customer were on the Exhibition <link http:>Metav 2014 in Düsseldorf and saw our live iMachining cutting on Haas Machine at our booth..
They say to us: we don't believe that iMachining will be so good with our material…

Ok – we take the challenge!

We go to their machine shop and we program their part in 20 min. Their programming time was 5 hours - manual.

The Material was Stainless Steel 1.4301.

We use tools from Hoffmann Holex:  Diameters 10, 8 and 6 with 3 flutes. Depth 17 mm.
iMachining Level 6.

Machining time with their programs:  50 min. 

With iMachining:  12min (76% saving). 

The boss of the company says - that looks like we are working with aluminum!!!  

Mit besten Grüßen

Ralf Keiser

Teamleiter Technik Nord

Anwendungstechniker CAD/CAM
SolidCAM GmbH

fon: +49 5454 93395-13
fax: +49 5454 93395-30
email: <link>


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