High Technology Methods of Metalworking: from Model to Product

On 26 April 2016, a workshop “Modern high technology methods of metalworking: from model to product” was organized by SolidCAM authorized reseller in Russia – CAM Systems in cooperation with Hoffmann Professional Tools ZAO and InterCAD

Created by Eddie Pevzner | |  iMachining successes at Customers

The CAD/CAM experts from the leading manufacturing companies in Saint-Petersburg were invited to this event which included theoretical and practical parts.

The main focus was done on iMachining – the unique and revolutionary CNC cutting technology and its effective use in combination with qualified Garant tools.

The live cutting of a 260×70×40 mm Steel (40X) part was processed on an AWEA AF-1000 3-Axis milling machine with a 7.5 KW spindle and an RPM of 10,000.

Hoffmann Professional Tools ZAO has advised to use their advanced TPC series cutter, that has been especially designed for the requirements of trochoidal performance cutting:

The patented iMachining technology and its exclusive iMachining Technology Wizard is completely unique and, among other advantages, by using full depth-of-cut, ensures that the entire tool is utilized rather than only the bottom part, thus reducing tool wear to a minimum.

The Cutting length of the Garant 203089-12 end mill is 36 mm. When it was located at the lowest possible position, the depth of cut was 31 mm! The ACP value for this demonstration that was calculated by the iMachining patented Technology Wizard met the requirements of vibration prevention.

The following cutting parameters were used:

  • Cutting angle range – 10-22 degrees.                                 
  • Maximal cutting speed – 217 m/min.
  • Chip thickness range – 0.1–0.04 mm.
  • Feed rate range – 3000–3500 mm/min.

CAM Systems would like to thank their partners from InterCAD and Hoffmann Group for helping to stage by their fruitful cooperation, such an impressive workshop event!

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