úspěšné příběhy iMachining

iMachining at Müga machine tool, with Hoffmann tools

...using iMachining at Müga with Hoffmann tools, we have achieved incredible results

 partneři iMachining
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iMachining at Hermle HQ at Gosheim, Germany

....They were really amazed about the smooth tool path and the cutting speed.

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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iMachining with InventorCAM 2012 on HAAS and Spinner - 75% SAVING...

..Material 16MnCr5 and 1.0577 ..Machine Spinner U-620 with Heidenhain Controller and a HAAS VFSS.

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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Cooperation with HAAS dealer Arotec

..was by a customer from us and the HAAS dealer Arotec to show iMachining..75% saving with iMachining

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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iMachining at Hermle 2012 in-house exhibition, Gosheim, April 18-21

..We had one machine with a big iMachining Part, another machine with mill turn and another also with an iMachining part on it.

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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iMachining with OKK at MEX Kanazawa2012 exhibition

...SolidCAM reseller in Japan, Tactx, has joined with OKK to show the iMachining strategy on OKK machine in this exhibition

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iMachining Live Seminar with Mazak, Hurco & Lokesh Machine Tool Reseller - India

...SAM Automation is the largest CNC Machines Reseller in that region and commands a market share of almost 60%. They sell Mazak , HURCO & Lokesh (Indian Machine) in that region

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SolidCAM partners with Hurco Machine tools at IMTS 2012 to show iMachining 3D..

...live iMachining cutting on a Hurco VMX24HSi CNC machine was the optimum way to show iMachining power to potential customers.

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Leveraging iMachining benefits for WIN-WIN relationbship with Hurco dealers in the US..

...we now have relationships with 4 more Hurco dealers that we intend to franchise the EZ-Sell business model with.

 partneři iMachining
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Cooperation with Okuma Australia: live iMachining demonstration to potential customer

..Okuma sold an MB-56VA after the customer saw the iMachining demonstration, and we have a new prospect!

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Joint iMachining Live Cutting Technology days of HAAS Reseller - Dreher - and SolidCAM GmbH

...Experience iMachining at high speed CNC Milling machine Haas VF-2SS.

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Hurco používá iMachining pro předvádění jejich technologie UltiMotion

..SolidCAM v USA vytvořil excelentní blízký vztah s HURCO HQ a jeho prodejci v USA..obdrželi jsme pro naši kancelář v PA stroj HURCO VM10i CNC pro provádění živého obrábění v iMachiningu

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The V8 Supercar team Triple Eight Racing praise SolidCAM iMachining

We use the new [SolidCAM®] iMachining® techniques for roughing now – full depth and full flute-contact cutting. I’m a big fan of this. It is a lot quicker and the tools last longer – and it’s easier…

 Automobilový průmysl
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iMachining great success on a Mill-turn Okuma Multus machine.. 58% saving on turbine blade.

...I used iMachining 2D &3D and the cutting time at the end was 34 min, down from original 80 min, which is far beyond the end user's expectations (58% saving).

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iMachining generates cooperation between Widia tool maker and SolidCAM

iMachining test cutting with Widia tools produced great results..

 Výrobci a prodejci řezných nástrojů
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iMachining 3D + HSM Finish Results - Fantastic!

Finish achieved was 0.37 Ra Value, which is about half of what was expected!!!

 Obchod s pracovními příležitostmi
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