úspěšné příběhy iMachining

iMachining at Maini Aerospace - 58% Savings in Aluminum against Competitor CAM

...Competitor CAM - 200 min, iMachining - 84 mins

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Burns Machinery Inc, NV, USA - "iMachining is incredibly impressive"

...We have been running an aluminum pocketing job for 15 years. The run time has been 22 minutes. The job now runs in iMachining in 9 minutes...As impressive as the improved run times are the tool…

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Udo Trimborn, Trimborn Maschinenbau: "We are really convinced about iMachining"

..milled the same part with a higher iMachining level, and we reduced the machining time to 4 1/2 mins , as opposed to 17 mins

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Galander Medical GmbH on iMachining: "The cost savings are very big"

..a part from customer that took him 7 hours and 30 minutes to manufacture, we did it in iMachining in 2 hours and 50 minutes..iMachining software pays for itself very quickly

 Lékařské stránky
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ProKASRO Mechatronics GmbH in Karlsruhe on iMachining: "we're thrilled - it's just incredible"

...the cycle times have been reduced by 70% to 80% - sometimes even reduced by 90%

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iMachining Aluminum at ITS - 77% savings!!!

..standard operation = 40 min - iMachining rough cut 8 minutes and iMachining finish cut 1 minute - total 9 min with iMachining

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iMachining cut in Aluminum - 66% saving

...7 people saw the cut and filmed it -they all thought these results are impossible to achieve

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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SolidCAM wins against Competitor CAM at Alubin-SHL with iMachining impressive cutting results

..we used iMachining 3D for the 3D Roughing – the results impressed the customer tremendously..

 Lisovací formy a formy
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iMachining saves 66% in cutting time in Aluminum..

...iMachining of Aluminum at level 8 turbo - owner said never in his 40 years of experience in CNC, did he encounter such high speeds and depth

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Amazing cutting with iMachining at EPS - Big Aluminum Electronic box - 345x175 with 115 mm depth

..the big challenge in this part was the depth, and the need to work with very long tools..

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iMachining vs. Competitor in Aluminum cutting - totally superior, completely another level!

..cutting this part in 20 min with your CAM system and I’m cutting it with iMachining in 6 min.

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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SolidCAM customer A.P.A orders 2 modules of iMachining 2D and 3D, mainly for aluminum machining

..owner said: "amazing... I have no words to describe my satisfaction from iMachining - I couldn't have imagined how much time it saved us in Aluminum"

 Citace zákazníků o společnosti iMachining
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iMachining success - cycle time reduction by 70% against Competitor CAM in Aluminum

..prospect working with Competitor CAM and wanted to change for a CAM solution integrated in SolidWorks... impressed to see how easy it was to machine his part with iMachining in such a short time and…

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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iMachining benchmark at SolidCAM customer Meir Mechanics - saving 74% in Aluminum!

...the director did not expect that you can save so much in aluminum, especially when working on the indexial 4-axis machine.

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Great win for iMachining in Aluminum - 64% saving!

..they did not believe that we can cut with the full depth of the tool and with the milling speeds generated by iMachining..

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Výkonnostní test 3D iMachiningu v Cadron Aviation: úspora 56% na času cyklu, hluboké obrábění do hliníku

..pro druhou stranu součásti lze součást upnout jen pomocí vakua. Při iMachiningu nemohl programátor uvěřit, že lze s upnutím pomocí vakua obrábět tuto součást tak velkými rychlostmi.

 Letectví a kosmonautika
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Amazing iMachining Win- Saving 78% cycle time in Aluminum!

During my visit I saw a very big potential for the customer to save time in their parts with iMachining 2D

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iMachining 3D saves customer 48% in cycle time in aluminum

...after iMachining 2D increased his profit by 300% when cutting steel!

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iMachining + HSM cutting Aluminum - 33% saving in cycle time, double tool life, reduce programming time

..reducing machining time from 15 min to 10 min per part.. and from 2 end mills to 1 end mill..

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Saving 65% in cutting aluminum part with iMachining 2D, at SolidCAM customer Terlidor

..total cycle time saving for the 400 piece series: 73 hr 20 min..

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