úspěšné příběhy iMachining

SolidCAM iMachining trial in Titanuim at GKN Aerospace,together with ISCAR UK

..looking at ways of improving their machining times, improve tool life and improve surface finish..generated iMachining toolpaths cutting Titanium - they were so impressed by the results

 Letectví a kosmonautika
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iMachining Test Cut in Titanium At Avco - more than 50% saving

..They have to do many batches of 12 such Boeing 787 titanium parts in the coming months

 Obchod s pracovními příležitostmi
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Galander Medical GmbH on iMachining: "The cost savings are very big"

..a part from customer that took him 7 hours and 30 minutes to manufacture, we did it in iMachining in 2 hours and 50 minutes..iMachining software pays for itself very quickly

 Lékařské stránky
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iMachining titanium benchmark at SolidCAM customer

We cut titanium and saved the customer 54% for each part (42 min instead of 90 min).They have now to cut 200 such parts.

 úspěchy iMachiningu u zákazníků
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Saving 80% cycle time, cutting titanium with iMachining 2D

..total saving for 75 parts: 16 hr 52 min.. customer was completely excited and amazed

 Obchod s pracovními příležitostmi
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iMachining 2D & 3D impressive results cutting steel and titanium

“It is incredibly impressive seeing iMachining cutting stainless steel 1.4301 - we would have never thought such results were possible”.

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iMachining Success at important Aircraft parts company

Show them iMachining live on their machine - cut one big Titanium part - result was really good. They make parts for Civilian & Military Aircraft, Space Rockets..

 Letectví a kosmonautika
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iMachining savings of 45 seconds made the difference needed for an existing customer to ultimately increase profit margins

...In the one roughing operation the part had, SolidCAM saved 70% in cycle time, which saved 7% of the overall machining time...

 Obchod s pracovními příležitostmi
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iMachining ušetřil Wuxi Turbine Blade Co. 60% času obrábění

Technik SolidCAMu použil 2D iMachining a snížil jejich čas hrubování z 30 minut na 12 (60% zrychlení)...

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