iMachining Test Cut in Titanium At Avco - more than 50% saving

..They have to do many batches of 12 such Boeing 787 titanium parts in the coming months


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Subject: iMachining Test Cut in Titanium At Avco
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 10:48:41 +0300
From: Sidney Eisner <>
To: 'Emil Somekh' <>
CC: <>

Hi Emil,

We ran a test cut at our customer Avco on a titanium part for Boeing 787 using iMachining. Because of the way the part was held (not very strong), we used Level 2 only.

Before iMachining the entire cutting process took one hour and five minutes.

When we replaced some of the operations with iMachining, the entire process took thirty one minutes.

This was an overall time savings of just over 50%.

They have to do many batches of 12 such Boeing 787 parts in the coming months.

It was decided that there will be another additional iMachining test cut, with higher level, after they improve the holding method.

Avi (the owner) was ecstatically happy with this result - it means huge savings in time and money for his factory on this part!

At your service,

Mickey Berman/Sidney Eisner

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