Greg Burns, Burns Machinery Inc. on SolidCAM & iMachining

SolidCAM & iMachining had the quickest return on Investment on anything of significance that I put money into in the last 10 years! What we saved in first month on tool life, paid for the software!

|  Aerospace

Excerpts from Interview with Greg Burns, Burns Machinery Inc. on SolidCAM & iMachining:

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"My hope is that not too many people learn about iMachining because it is my biggest competitive edge over local competitors. If you don't have iMachining, you cannot compete against me."

"I will cut the part in a fraction of the time and not destroy tooling"

One of the biggest eye openers about iMachining, and I have many examples, is cutting difficult materials like Stainless and Inconels.

iMachining extended our tool life upwards of ten times.  

We cut with the full tool length most of the time

We do it with iMachining because of the controlled radial engagement.

"We are doing parts that nobody can do because of the way we approach it with iMachining."

SolidCAM was an investment for us and as a business owner, I'm looking for a return on my investment. And I have many things to invest in, in my shop.

"With SolidCAM, I would say that I had the quickest return on investment on anything that I've put money into of significance in the last ten years."

The return on investment was a matter of weeks. Not months or years, it was weeks. And that was paid for primarily in tool life.

"What we saved in the first month on tool life paid for the software."

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