iMachining 3D win at Menes – 85% saving

....Chief programmer Igor said: "I hope we get such results every day – we will have great savings in costs with iMachining 3D!!"


|  Job Shop

From: David Gontar

Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 7:30 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Subject: iMachining 3D win at Menes – 85% saving


Hi Emil,

Report : 28.3.13

Menes is a SolidCAM customer that had iMachining 2D and now bought iMachining 3D.

They do work for the Aerospace Industry and the Medical Industry. 

Machine: HAAS

Material: PH 15 Hard Steel

Depth of cut: 24 mm

Tool: End mill, diameter 12, teeth 4

Cutting time customer: 43 minutes 

Cutting parameters iMachining: level 5

Cutting time iMachining: 6.5 minutes

Time Savings: 85% 

Chief programmer Igor said: "I hope we get such results every day – we will have great savings in costs with iMachining 3D!!"

David Gontar

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