Isicom shows live iMachining cutting at Hasco Open Days on April 16 & 17

...this is the second year Hasco invited Isicom to participate in their two days conference

|  iMachining Partners

From: Paulo Ferreira []

Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 10:49 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Cc: Eddie Pevzner; Pedro Saraiva

Subject: Hasco meeting - our collaboration

Dear Emil, 

This is the second year Hasco invited us to participate in their two days conference: <link http: pt open_geral eventos hasco-days-2013>

We will demonstrate milling parts with live iMachining.  

More than 300 people will participate next Tuesday and Wednesday, 16-17 April, on “Hasco Open Days”.

Best regards,

Paulo Ferreira

HASCO Days 2013

O quê What

Jornadas Tecnológicas Technology Days

Quando When

2013-04-16 10:00 até 16/04/2013 10:00 to
2013-04-17 18:00 2013-04-17 18:00

Onde Where

Pavilhão OPEN Pavilion OPEN

Nome do Contacto Contact Name

José Silva Jose Silva

Email do Contacto Email Contact

<link> <link> @

Telefone do Contacto Contact Phone

+351 244 572570 +351 244 572570

Adicionar evento ao calendário 

Realiza-se nos próximos dias 16 e 17 de abril as Jornadas Tecnológicas da HASCO. It takes place in 16th and April 17th the HASCO's Technology Days.


Aproveite a ocasião para ouvir e discutir temas tais como: Take the opportunity to hear and discuss topics such as:

  • Qualidade e PrestaçãoQuality and Provision

Ferramentas e técnicas que otimizam a construção ea prestação dos moldes de injeção. Tools and techniques that optimize the construction and delivery of injection molds.

  • Tempo é DinheiroTime is money

Produzir o molde mais rápido, mais otimizado e mais económico para si e para o seu cliente. Producing mold faster, more streamlined and more affordable for you and your client.

  • InovaçãoInnovation

As últimas inovações que mudam a maneira de como projeta e fabrica os seus moldes e os eleva ao patamar de excelência. The latest innovations that change the way of how their designs and manufactures molds and elevates them to a level of excellence.  

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