iMachining great results at customer - savings of 70% in steel!

.. iMachining Wizard level 4, step down 25 mm HAAS CNC Machine - cutting time reduced from 50 min to 15 min with iMachining..


|  Job Shop

From: David Gontar

Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2013 6:59 PM

To: Emil Somekh

Subject: iMachining great results at customer - savings of 70% in steel!

Hi All,

We did iMachining cutting at our SolidCAM customer: Manes.

He does work for the Aerospace and High-tech industry.

Material : PH 15-5

CNC Machine : HAAS

Depth of cut : 24 mm

Tool : End mill, diameter 10 mm, teeth 5 (ISCAR), and end mill diameter 6 mm teeth 5 (ISCAR)

Cutting time customer : 50 minutes


iMachining Cutting parameters : Wizard level 4, step down 25 mm.

Cutting time iMachining : 15 minutes

Saving : 70 %


Customer was very impressed and said:"this was beyond any of my expectations!".


Before iMachining, with one tool he did 2-3 parts - using iMachining he did 50 parts with one tool!!


Customer bought iMachining module.


David Gontar

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