iMachining event at ISCAR Germany - about 100 attendees, with 68 of them being ISCAR customers

...iMachining as usual fascinated the attendees and has exceeded all expectations!


|  Cutting tool Manufacturers and Resellers

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: iMachining event at ISCAR Germany
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 14:27:45 +0300
From: Gürsel Demircali
To: solidcam <link>

Hello Gerhard,

The event at ISCAR went really well. There were about 100 attendees, with 68 of them being ISCAR customers.

iMachining as usual fascinated the attendees and has exceeded all expectations!

I gave a 25 min introduction lecture on SolidCAM and iMachining. Then we machined a part on the machine.

The interest of ALL involved was very great! So great that after the iMachining milling, 20 – 30 people were asking me questions!.

The bottom line is that ISCAR has a VERY high interest to arrange additional such events with us.

We get a list of all participants of this event.


Gürsel Demircali
Anwendungstechniker CAD/CAM

fon: +49 6241 95409-26
fax: +49 6241 95409-11
email: <link>

Prinz-Carl-Anlage 20, 67549 Worms
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Emil Somekh | Registergericht Stuttgart HRB 480802

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